Register to vote during summer food distribution
During the month of July, you can register to vote at AFIA on Wednesdays from 10AM – 1PM. Please share this with your friends and family! We also continue to distribute food every Wednesday from 10AM-1PM. Any child 0-18 years old can receive a box that includes five high quality breakfasts and lunches for the week. We bring out boxes and place them right in your trunk for safe, no-contact pick-up.
Technology return
We are working to make sure all Chromebooks and iPads are ready for the upcoming school year. Please return all AFIA technology so that we can be ready for August. We are here every Wednesday from 10AM – 1 PM or call 816.444.1720 to arrange another time.
Energy assistance
Through the Missouri Department of Social Services -Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Summer funds, qualified families can receive up to $600 to avoid disconnection.
Nursing position at AFIA
We are currently looking for a school nurse for the upcoming school year. Please share this posting with your networks.
2020 – 2021 school schedule
Our first day of school is August 24, 2020. School hours will be 8:15 – 3:15 during the 2020-2021 school year. At this time we intend to offer options described on our recent survey: in-person learning, remote learning or a hybrid model. Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey and share your input. Our leadership team values your feedback and reads every response. We are currently calling all families who have not completed the survey. Please know that once we are able to finalize plans, your family will be able to choose which model best meets your needs.
Summer at AFIA
Remote summer school wrapped up last week. Students engaged in projects during summer school and had the opportunity to learn from field experts via Zoom. In addition to many meetings with local leaders, the AFIA leadership team has also been engaging in work with national organizations as we consider how to best navigate our current reality. This work has included participation in webinars graciously funded by the Missouri Charter Public School Association with the Achievement Network and Beloved Community.
Listening sessions
Education grounded in social justice is foundational to the vision and mission of Academy for Integrated Arts. Our continued work must include all voices. Please sign up for a listening session to share your perspectives and questions:
Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions. You can reach an AFIA staff member weekdays between 9AM-4PM at (816) 444-1720.
The post Weekly Update July 8, 2020 appeared first on Academy For Integrated Arts.